50th anniversary Raisin River Canoe Race booked for April 15, yes a Saturday
Annual paddling of the river from St. Andrew's West downstream to Williamstown
Have I missed something, but when did the Raisin River Canoe Race switch to being on a Saturday? During my 14 years as sports editor of a local newspaper, I decidedly remember traipsing out early each year on a Sunday morning each April to shoot photos and cover the event.
Hmm, anyway, the 50th anniversary running of the Raisin from St. Andrew’s West 30 km downstream to Williamstown is scheduled for Saturday, April 15, and online registration is available.
Truth be told, for most participants, this isn’t so much a race as it is a rite of passage or an annual rite of spring. The goal is to finish and have a little fun in the process while aiming to not get overly wet or cold.
The launch point is the grounds of St. Andrew’s Catholic School, with the finish in Williamstown downstream from the bridge.
Online registration and more information can be accessed via this link.
For participants, there are options for a pre-race breakfast in St. Andrew’s West and the afternoon awards banquet in Williamstown. The first boats enter the water at 10:30 a.m.
Spectators typically gather at numerous spots along the river route, including at the start and finish areas, but the most popular vantage point is in Martintown at the dam, where, if safety conditions permit, paddlers will have the choice to shoot the dam in spectacular fashion (or portage).
Over the years, I shot many photos of the action. Here is one of my favourites.